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Zone4Tech Media Platform Launched

The new media project Zone4Tech, the work of long-time journalists and PR experts Denitsa Dzheneva and Maya Boycheva-Manolcheva (founder of Craft Content), has been launched. The platform will cover interesting video and text content, in the form of podcasts and with a focus on technology, companies and people part of the IT sector.

With the beginning of the platform, the first podcast – “THEIR Stories” was launched. In it, you will meet the leading figures from the technological world in our country – from the founders of the IT sector to the latest innovators, you will hear their stories, you will find out about the path they have walked, about the obstacles they have overcome before becoming what they are. You will hear stories about education, about technology, about business, about victories and losses, stories about the past with an eye to the future. The hosts of the podcast and its producers are the founders of the Zone4Tech.bg platform – Denitsa Dzheneva and Maya Boycheva-Manolcheva, and the first guest is Georgi Sharkov, long-time executive director of the European Software Institute in Bulgaria.

“The idea for this platform and for the podcast “THEIR Stories” was born spontaneously. Both Denitsa and I have been in the IT sector for many years and we know that there are many stories that can and should be told. In fact, there is no other media project that represents people and companies in the technology sector,” explained Maya Boycheva-Manolcheva.

In 2024, the release of the second podcast – “TECHNICALLY SPEAKING” – is forthcoming.

The address of the media platform is: https://zone4tech.bg/

Podcasts can be watched and listened to in: